The One Thing I can’t leave the house without
If you came here to read about how I always forget my keys, you’re about to be really disappointed…because I’ve left my house plenty of times without those. This is more than the keys to my apartment, this thing I never leave without is my key to living judgement free, living true to my values, and keeping myself accountable.
I’ve kept a sticky note titled “The People Who’s Opinion Of Me Matters”, for the last two years.
Growing up my barometer for whether I should go to that party, stay out a little too late, or say something I’d regret, was from one quote my Mom always repeated as I left the house; “Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to see on the front page of the newspaper”. (Local newspaper vs New York Times was never discussed, but the principal remained the same).
As I’ve gotten older I find myself even more plagued by the opinions of other people than I was in high school (which says a lot). To break this chain and embrace whimsy, adventure, and the carefree values I’ve always aspired to hold, I needed to decide who’s opinion really mattered.
I keep this list of really close friends and family with me whenever I’m debating something I’m anxious to do. The constants remain true; never doing anything to negatively impact someone else, but the variables are when I reference my list the most. Let’s dive into some examples to help you know when to reference YOUR list:
T-Shirt is on inside out ALL day: Oof this could potentially be really awkward since your coworker definitely noticed- but alas, their opinion doesn’t matter.
Took a photo of my food before eating it: The expression of the folks at the table next to you is intense- but alas, their opinion doesn’t matter.
Ahh summer, the season of the year where I’m reminded “skinny” isn’t a flattering term: But wait, my friends and family only care that I’m healthy and happy.
I LOVE this picture of myself, but it didn’t get a lot of likes on Instagram: that’s okay! send it to your family and let them know that you liked this photo of yourself, Braden.
If a sticky note with the names of your support system helps you speak, live, and act on your truth, then find some real estate in your purse/wallet/jacket, for what could inevitably be a life changing sentiment.